Some comments on the ride from Bill on the Hume BUG Facebook page (with some tidying up and additional comments by Kevin):
Kevin and I rode back from Docklands to Craigieburn through arrays of bike lanes, bike path and back streets! I must admit I had no idea where I was until we hit Roxburgh Park. (We rode back from Docklands via Royal Park, West Brunswick Shimmy, a similar route to Moreland's proposed route of Coburg to Glenroy, and some of the Craigieburn Rail Trail.)
The highlight of the ride, (while passing through Royal Park Golf Course) watching Kevin in front of me pointing his index finger upward toward a magpie on a wire, soon after the magpie attempted emergency landing on Kevin's helmet for more than 4 times, lucky for Kevin Mr Pie aborted the landings attempts after 300 meters. (I took the hits for you, Bill, and distracted the bird so it wouldn't swoop you!)