Saturday, March 5, 2011

Woodend Ride 6th March 2011

Glorious day for a ride. Sunny with a northerly wind to push us all the way home.
Five riders met at Woodend station. Kevin, Steve, Graham, Bill and Greg. We departed at approximately 10.00am and started off at a brisk pace along Black Forrest Rd. Breeze at our backs we left Woodend in the dust. Half way down the road Steve comes to a sudden halt. Turns out his computer could'nt stand the pace so it jumped off into the bushes along the side of the road. Fortunately eagle eye Graham found it so no damage done. Continuing on at an unrelenting pace it was'nt long before we reached Riddells Creek. Unfortunately Steve's rear tube decided to get a puncture. A quick repair job and it was into the Riddells Creek bakery for coffee and cake.
Some 30 minutes later and feeling recharged we sped off at a quick pace down Sutherlands Rd.
Two hills along Konagaderra were no match for the 5 riders and soon we reached the roundabout at Mickelham Rd where Greg turned off and the other 4 riders continued on to Craigieburn.